
Fun Casino Hire - Frequently Asked Questions

How It Works2019-10-09T15:50:30+00:00

We aim to arrive around an hour before the event begins to set-up tables etc. but you can request for us to arrive earlier if required. Our supplied Croupiers then hand out the fun money and run the tables for around 2-3 hours (at your request). Breaks for important stages in the event can be arranged as to have guests full attention. At the end of the event the highest chip total will be recorded and then prize presented. Once the running time is over we discretely take the tables down and leave the event.

Is it for real money?2019-10-09T15:39:04+00:00

Most of the events we hire casinos out to, do not use real money in any form and therefore there is no requirement for any gambling licences, some charity events do charge for each fun money note but this is purely as a contribution, with a prize or prizes for the winners.

Can I have a casino at any event?2019-10-09T15:48:04+00:00

More or less yes! We find that most people are competitive and want to try their luck, even if they are not playing for real money or are not experienced in gambling games. Fun casino events are often referred to as “Millionaire Nights” as that’s what people want to try to be for the night and hopefully win the prize (we normally supply a bottle of bubbly as the winner’s prize) for the player with the most gaming chips at the end of the night. We use high value chips so players can finish the night with thousands of pounds.

If you have a theme for your event we can supply props in either the Vegas or Bond theme. Call us to discuss what is available for your event.

How does a fun casino evening work?2019-10-09T15:47:38+00:00
    • We suggest one table per 20 guests
    • “How to play” sheets will be provided with game rules
    • Our croupiers offer advice on playing the games and will give simple instructions
    • Croupiers will give out the “fun money” at the start of the night which is traded for gaming chips – or you can sell the fun money if raising funds
    • Our croupiers will ensure that guests enjoy the entertainment and will give them a quick introduction to each casino game
    • Our croupiers will find the winner(s) at the end of the night and award the winner with the bottle of bubbly and any other prizes if you choose to supply them
  • Our casinos run for up to three hours maximum with most lasting about 2 and a half hours
  • We have 2 million public liability insurance
How do I book?2019-10-09T15:47:17+00:00
  • Call us on 0771 541 2600 or use our Quick Quote Form at the bottom of each website page
  • Payment is normally made by BACS or cheque.
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